

Perawatan anu di luhur taneuh

Aya seueur tipeu perawatan dorongan pangobatan leutik sareng sedeng-eté-sedeng di sedeng dikubur, sareng kalayan aya anu nganggo rarancang di luhur. Panyadia jasa Suku Kaayaan Seni Terbatas ngagaduhan rupa-rupa kasus proyék wakil, ayeuna urang ngenalkeun kasus peraman sawah ka handap taneuh anu aya di Jiangsu Ringhui 50 ton.

Ngaran proyék:Proyék JiangSSD
Standar kualitas cai:Palaksanaan ngeunaan "Perawatan Perawatan TRUBAND Pollesant Pollessant
Modél Alat:LD-JM di luhureun peralatan perawatan perawatan domestasi domestik
Peralatan Peralatan:Wadah stainless stainless
Prosés peralatan:A2o + MBR

Tukang latar project

Yancheng Xiansishi Dina taun-taun ayeuna pikeun nyandak pangalaman manajemén lingkungan soles, ningkatkeun awak duruneste purnes, mayiteran cai girus domentik. Ngaliwatan walungan dirol, konstruksi Walapan ékologis, konstruksi pecak perlakuan Kerjauan Kerjauan Keringan Kakahan Kuaran sareng pikeun hartosna pikeun révitalisasi désa. Jalma anu ngajagaan panoluan polusi anu kandel, ngaliwat kongénsif lingkungan Shanhuk, diajar ngeunaan produk sareng jasa anu diulang anu kacida cocog pikeun ngiringan panyebaran Rugi Proyek manajemén dina cincin.

Tubah perawatan di luhur taneuh

Sorot proyék

The rural wastewater treatment site is installed above ground, which significantly reduces the cost of civil construction and shortens the project construction cycle. LD-JM integrated equipment can achieve fully automatic operation with remote data monitoring and video monitoring functions, which can realize remote operation equipment start and stop, remote fault diagnosis, remote alarm and push to maintenance personnel and other functions, laying a solid foundation for efficient Operasi sareng manajemén pangropéa engké.

At present, the resounding water living sewage treatment facilities equipment has been completed lifting, the next water quality commissioning technicians will be specialized commissioning. Rural domestic sewage treatment has been the focus of water pollution prevention and treatment of black smelly water bodies, the construction of rural domestic sewage treatment project is an important work to accelerate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, Liding environmental protection will continue to provide high -qualalitas sareng solusi jasa kanggo widang pembaruan desentralisasi di kampung sareng tingkat kota.

Waktu Pasang: Feb-06-2025