

Liding environmental protection focus on environmental regional decentralized sewage treatment for ten years, segmentation leading the industry, and strive to use the power of science and technology for the industry, for the motherland, for a side of the human habitat to contribute more powerful pain point solusi api. LD-SA Small-scale Johkasou is able to efficiently meet the decentralized small amount of water farmers integrated sewage treatment equipment, can be widely used in the beautiful countryside, scenic spots, hotels, B&B, mountainous areas, farmhouses, service areas, high altitude daérah sareng kabutuhan perawatan dorongan domestik sanés.

At present, with the gradual ebb of the epidemic, the local economies are once again growing at a rapid pace and the development of tourism has also ushered in significant opportunities. Pasar Hotel Domestik parantos ngagancangkeun klacer kamajuan. In the face of the huge demand for accommodation and consumption power existing in today's hotel market, each hotel fully utilizes its own advantages and mature business model to promote the steady development of hotel business. At the same time, the amount of sewage produced with it is also increasing, and the resulting environmental pollution problems are becoming increasingly prominent. Kumaha carana ngalakukeun perlakuan taruction domestik? Midangkeun perlindungan lingkungan masihan jawaban anjeun.

Limbah hotél utamana diwangun ku limbah Lavatory, cai dapur sareng toilet. Darot ngandung seueur bahan organik, biasana selulosa, aci, gula sareng protéin lemak. It also often contains eggs of protozoa, viruses and parasites, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other inorganic salts.

Integrated sewage treatment equipment covers an area of small, easy to integrate, both to meet the single family domestic sewage treatment, hotel sewage treatment, but also can be applied to the field of large-scale sewage treatment, as the core treatment equipment, is inti paling penting tina widang perlakuan bencana ayeuna.

Program Perawatan Domestik

The use of integrated sewage treatment equipment can help hotels, hotels, farmhouses and other places to solve the problem of sewage discharge, the water quality is stable, the effluent does not contain suspended solids and microorganisms, and meet the national water quality standards for domestic Cai rupa-rupa, cai anu diperlakukeun tiasa langsung dianggo. The use of special advantageous bacteria, can effectively remove difficult to degrade organic matter and ammonia nitrogen, and improve the system's ability to resist load shock. Kekerpek basajan, pameunteu gampang, sareng kontrol jauh anu otomatis direalisasi.

Waktu Pasang: Feb-07-2025